Thursday, February 25, 2016

Natural Cures 2

Natural Cures With Food For Health Problems-- 2

Make sure to read the introduction on Part 1 to Find the Cure for All Diseases

Autism, Down Syndrome and Other Genetic Disorders

A new study shows that pregnant women who use flea and tick shampoo on pets may double the risk of autism in their children. The study followed 2,000 children, some with autism, some with developmental delay and some with typical development and compared individual genetic patterns with exposure to medications, chemicals, food products and other environmental factors. The authors (who stress the findings are preliminary) believe that insecticide chemicals called pyrethrins may play a role in triggering autism in certain kids. Pyrethrins are widely used in insect foggers and are also found in some lice-control shampoos for humans.
This article on this disagrees with the number of kids in the study. These findings are from the Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment study, which is funded by the US National Institutes of Health. They had a story on TV about an actress that had an emotional breakdown for giving her son Down Syndrome by giving him vaccines. I asked on a forum why vaccines have mercury in them. A nurse said that you can get a flu vaccine without mercury in it. Now that is like going to a restaurant and on the menu it says "salad." Then under that it says "salad without any roaches." So why do they have the salad with roaches in it.
Here is the cure. They should get plenty of good nutrition. See the home page for eating healthy and Nutrition page for best supplements. I just read something about vitamin D and autism so make sure they get enough vitamin D (see Superior Nutrition page about danger of too much and best way to get it). The best way to get it is from sunshine.
Then they should detoxify the pesticides, drug residues, food additives, mercury, steroids, hormones and other things out of their body. One way is the Purification Rundown of Scientology. Find a center near you and I think it costs around $2,000.
There is a chemical DMSO (dimethyl sulfide) that is made from pine trees. You have to be careful with it. Put some anywhere on the skin and you can taste it in 12 seconds in your mouth. You can do a search for it to check it out more. If mixed with toxins, they will also be absorbed by the skin into the body. Get some USP Grade DMSO and take 1 dropperful internally through the mouth a day. When the person no longer has a garlicky smell, then take 2 to 5 dropperfuls a day. When there is no more stink smell, then stop and this part is done.
DMSO wipes out free radicals in the body. Toxins in the body create free radicals. It realigns DNA back to the original blueprint (the body's original intended form). DMSO helps the cells grow back to their original form before they were damaged by an outside source. It helps damaged cellular structure. People have reported scars disappearing, hair regrown, wrinkles vanishing and complete reversal of Autism, Down Syndrome and other genetic disorders.
Thousands of American medical doctors inject hydrogen peroxide into their patients. This is something I know a lot about unlike with DMSO. It is water with an extra oxygen atom. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Michael Jackson had this machine) was used on people with genetic disorders with impressive results. But this is very expensive. The toxicity of mercury and heavy metals turned off the brain's switches during when the original damage was done. This is an attempt to turn it back on. All this takes a lot of work and patience.
Instead of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, get food grade hydrogen peroxide. I believe it is 5% concentration instead of the 2% in the drug store. Note that 95% hydrogen peroxide is rocket fuel. Put 1 tablespoon for an adult or 1 teaspoon for a child into a glass of orange juice and drink it. This puts oxygen into the body. 
Eating fruit (the best food) is supposed to produce hydrogen peroxide in the body, so they should eat lots of fruit on an empty stomach before other foods. Then wait 15 minutes and eat other foods as talked about on my home page. Then, right after taking hydrogen peroxide internally, the person goes into an inversion chair and is turned upside down for 10 to 60 seconds. Do this several times a day. Also the person should exercise. Start slow at first. This information comes from a very knowledgeable naturopathic physician.
A book by an MD (Super Foods Rx) that lists the 23 healthiest foods, lists raw honey as one of them. It says "Honey contains at least 181 known substances, and its antioxidant activity stems from the phenolics, peptides, organic acids and enzymes [enzymes are killed by heating so it should be raw honey, which it will say if it is]." Part of the reason that is great for helping wounds to heal is that it slowly releases hydrogen peroxide. So this would be good to take internally and you can use it to sweeten things like very warm tea.

Lyme Disease

There appears to be an epidemic of Lyme Disease in the rural, wooded areas of the Northeast United States and other areas. See this site for a map of the highest incidence of it in the U.S.A. The President of the USA (George W Bush ) has Lyme Disease. Since Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection, see bacterial infections and antibiotic on Natural Cures Part 1, for the best foods to eat to help it. Lyme disease is caused by a spiral shaped bacteria (spirochete) called Borrelia burgdorferi. These bacteria are most often transmitted by tics and mosquitoes. It can also be transmitted from fleas and mites.
It appears that people can get re-infected with it. One lady and her kid did not get rid of all the symptoms until she moved. The problems started when she moved into this wooded area. Lyme disease can mimic more than 350 different medical conditions. This list contains about every disease or degenerative condition that we have ever heard of. There may be 20 million people in the USA who are infected with Lyme disease-- most of them, without knowing it. They may attribute their symptoms to another disease that it has imitated.
The classic symptoms of Lyme disease are mild to severe joint and muscle pain, and flu-like symptoms that include fatigue, backache, stiff neck, and headaches. In the most severe cases, chronic arthritis is common and there are complications in the heart and nervous system. Patients with chronic Lyme disease commonly have fatigue, joint and muscle pain, sleep disorders and cognitive problems. In addition, it can create a low grade infection of the brain that can cause depression, bipolar disorder, tingling, panic attacks, numbness, burning or twitching.
Patients suffering with a chronic illness (especially those with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and Unrelenting Fatigue) would be wise to consider Lyme disease as a contributor. Lyme disease can also mimic MS perfectly. Patients with chronic Lyme disease often complain of weird symptoms that cannot be explained, even after going to numerous doctors and often results in the patient being told that it is psychological. 
 A recent study in the USA, in which 28 people suffering from severe LD, were treated for 6 months. 14 of the patients received the standard doses of antibiotics. The other 14, took cats claw, an herb from the Brazilian rainforest with a legendary reputation. The result? Three of the fourteen who took antibiotics showed slight improvement. But ALL of the 14 who took cats claw showed dramatic improvement. Twelve of the 14 were tested at the end of six months and NO trace of LD remained!

Prostate Cancer

The foods with the highest concentration of anticancer (prostate) chemicals are watermelon with 1,800 ppm of 1 chemical, carrots with 280 ppm of 2 chemicals and tomatoes with 40 ppm of 1 chemical. The following foods have lower concentrations than the above. Tea with 1 chemical, papaya with 1 chemical and grapefruit with 1 chemical.
According to the 500 page college textbook, Human Biology by Sylvia S Mader (1995) prostate cancer is very different than the other types of cancer. It says about prostate cancer "The disease is most common in northwestern Europe and North America. It is rare in the Near East, Africa, Central America, and South America. For reasons not currently known, African Americans have the highest incidence rate in the world."
Are you wondering why this is since it may affect you. It is because black skinned people need 4 times the sunlight as white skinned people to get the same amount of vitamin D. The prostate gland thrives on vitamin D from sunlight. The sunlight is much weaker in the U.S.A. than in Africa which is closer to the equator. So the places where the sunlight is strongest is where the prostate cancer is rare.
In a magazine they wanted to see if there were certain things affecting prostate problems like pollution in certain parts of the country. So they gave different colors to different percentages of people with these problems and then applied those colors to a map of the U.S. They found the color with the highest amount of problems went across the most northern part of the U.S.
Then as they went further south the percentage of people with prostate problems became lower and lower. So they determined that this was due to the unique vitamin D from the sun. If you sunbathe, you sweat out toxins like cancer causing chemicals. The water evaporates but the toxins build up on your skin. So make sure to bathe after sunbathing to wash those chemicals off your skin.


food parts per million different chemicals
parsnip root 22,240 2
cabbage 17,572 3
radish 12,424 3
spinach 11,770 2
cucumber 10,819 3
parsley 9,728 3
cashew 9,714 3
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antidandruff phytochemicals: peppermint leaf has 3 antidandruff phytochemicals, beet 5, peanuts 4, strawberry 4, onion 3 and pecan with 3 antidandruff chemicals.


foods parts per million different chemicals
strawberry 242 1
lemon 88 1
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antiallergenic phytochemicals: grape has 2 chemicals and buchu leaf has 1 chemical.

Bacterial Infections

food parts per million different chemicals
thyme 565,786 30
tea leaf 524,276 31
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antibacterial phytochemicals: black currants have 32 different antibacterial chemicals, carrot 29, grapefruit 27, tomato 27, orange 24, onion 23 and soybeans with 22 antibacterial phytochemicals.


food parts per million different chemicals
garlic 75,600 2
soybean 12,880 2
watermelon 472 1
ginseng 400 1
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antibiotic phytochemicals: onion with 4 chemicals, garlic 2, cabbage 1, papaya 1, watermelon 1, flaxseed 1 and apple with 1 antibiotic phytochemical.


More than 50% of U.S. population gets cold sores which are a result of herpes simplex 1. It can remain dormant and become active during certain times of stress. Genital herpes is usually transmitted sexually and is caused by the herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV2) . Epstein-Barr virus is another form of herpes.  In total, more than 80% of U.S. population have some kind of herpes virus.
food parts per million different chemicals
camu camu fruit 499,002 2
tea leaf 208,408 13
thyme 156,684 12
onion 148,906 10
sage 120,000 6
basil 109,566 9
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antiherpetic phytochemicals: tomato with 14 chemicals, black currants 10, grapes 10, garlic 9, cabbage 8, strawberry 8, sweet potato 8, apple 8, banana 8 and parsley with 8 antiherpetic phytochemicals.
Here are things that you can do to help get rid of this. You can do a colon, liver and gall bladder cleanse. A fast will do this also. See my webpage on fasting. The amino acid, lysine, helps prevent breakouts. Red marine algae can be bought in health food stores and it kills the herpes virus. DMSO also kills it. The plant, larrea can also kill the virus. Do an internet search for "larrea and herpes."


Here are foods with the highest concentration of antiobesity phytochemicals according to a U.S.D.A. database website.
parts per million
number of chemicals
tea leaf (green or black)
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of antiobesity phytochemicals: orange has 6 antiobesity phytochemicals, carrot 6, black currants 6, onion 5, grapefruit 5, strawberry 5, tomato 5, apple 5, banana and parsnip root with 5 antiobesity phytochemicals.


parts per million
number of chemicals
camu camu fruit
acerola fruit
guava fruit
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of anticold  phytochemicals: rosehips have 2 anticold phytochemicals, cauliflower 2, black currants 2 and bok choy with 1 phytochemical. See page on curing colds and flus. 


parts per million
number of chemicals
sweet potato
Kiwi fruit has a lower concentration of antisenility phytochemicals than the above foods.


parts per million
number of chemicals
tea leaf (green and black)
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of antianemia phytochemicals: soybeans with 5 antianemia phytochemicals, beet 4, avocado 4, peas 4, cashews 3, peanuts 3, asparagus 3, cauliflower 3 and brussels sprouts with 3 antianemia phytochemicals.


parts per million
number of chemicals
camu camu fruit
pumpkin seeds
bok choy
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of antihepatitic phytochemicals: garlic with 3 antihepatitic phytochemicals, strawberry 3, grapes 3, corn 3, onion 2, cashew 2 and pineapple with 2 antihepatitic phytochemicals.

Hepatitis C

A friend wanted me to look up a natural cure for Hepatitis C. This one website told about someone who cured it using milk thistle, dandelion root, licorice root, reishi mushroom, cats claw and olive root. I know herbs. These herbs help the liver.


parts per million
number  of chemicals
sweet potato
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of antilupus phytochemicals: kiwi fruits have 2 antilupus phytochemicals, cashews 2, asparagus 2, lentils 2, flaxseed 2, banana 2, garlic 1, onions has 1 antilupus phytochemical.


parts per million
different chemicals
pumpkin seeds
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of antiacne phytochemicals: carrots with 11 antiacne phytochemicals, cashews 8, orange 8, grapefruit 8, black currants 8, sage 8, thyme 8, beets 7, pistachio 7, peas 7, peanuts 6 and asparagus with 6 antiacne phytochemicals.


parts per million
different chemicals
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of antistress phytochemicals: pineapple 2, celery 2, asparagus 2, peanuts 2, beets 2, pumpkin seeds 2, tomato 2 and mangoes with 2 antistress phytochemicals.

Migraine Headaches

parts per million
different chemicals
camu camu fruit
bok choy
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of antimigraine phytochemicals: peas 6, eggplant 6, onion 5, garlic 5, peanuts 5, asparagus 5 and beets with 5 antimigraine phytochemicals.


Headaches can be caused by many things. Kevin Trudeau says in Natural Cures "I was on a radio show today and a woman called up and said 'I have headaches all the time and when I got your book I wanted to know what the pill or herb is that I can take to cure my headaches.' I said 'Well, let's go through a few things first. Do you eat microwaved food?' 'Well, yes, but that has nothing to do with it, Kevin.' 'Do you eat in fast-food restaurants?' 'Well, yes, but that has nothing to do with it, Kevin.' 'Do you drink diet sodas?' 'Well, yes, but that has nothing to do with it, Kevin. I want to know what I can buy and take that will get rid of my headaches.'
I tried to explain to her that she needs to ask, what is causing her headaches. It could be toxins, it could be nutritional deficiencies, it could be emotional stress, it could be that her body is out of alignment and she simply needs a chiropractic adjustment."

Colon Cancer

parts per million
number of chemicals
These foods have lower concentrations than the above but have the highest number of anticancer (colon) phytochemicals: tomatoes with 3 anticancer (colon) phytochemicals, apple 3, grape 3, peanuts 2, cucumber 2 and carrots with 2 anticancer (colon) phytochemicals 2. Studies show that fruits and vegetables prevent cancer. Meat causes cancer according to this big study done. Also see information about cancer in general on Natural Cures Part 1. 
This is the number one cancer. The number one cancer for women is breast cancer. The number one cancer for men is prostate cancer. Skin cancer is not counted since most cases are not fatal. To keep the colon healthy so that it will not get cancer make sure to get enough cancer. All plant foods have fiber. No animal foods have cancer.
The PDR® Family Guide to Nutrition and Health™ (© 1995 by Medical Economics Company [It is 800 pages]) says (page 223) "A high-fat diet increases the amount of bile acids and bacterial enzymes in the colon, where bacteria can convert them to cancer-causing chemicals. Increasing the amount of fiber in the intestines helps to reverse this effect by diluting or inactivating the chemicals and reducing the level of bile acids and bacteria." 

1 comment:

  1. The worst time has passed”However, it is true that there are more improvements than before...because of the rising numbers of people living with HIV in the state of Nevada. How could they stigmatize all of them? Therefore everything becomes a little easier and we start to share everything... We also started to invite and visit each other in a community. You know, it is six years since I started taking antiretroviral drugs...Yet whatever problems I face, the worst time has passedWhen I was evicted from the family home by my mother, my father rented a small room for me. But my mother and brothers believed that having HIV was my own fault – and that I deserved to be punished...I also considered myself unworthy and without hope... But I have a child and eventually I convinced myself to live for my child’s sake.
    My mother knew nothing [about HIV]. She didn’t understand anything. Do you know why? She didn’t have [the chance] to go out of the house and communicate with society. However, my father does interact with the community. I know his friends are mature and dignified africa america. So he has a better understanding than her.My father came call me on a sadfull day sitting on my couch about a friend of his from africa who introduce him to Dr Itua herbal  cure in africa in which he advise we should purchase his herbal medicine to cure my hiv so we did and Dr Itua prescribed I should drink the herbal medicine for two weeks to cure although we were so curious about the whole thing ,I finished the herbal medicine like he advised then he talked to me to visit my nearest clinic for check up I did and now I'm totally cured from Hiv my father was my rock and I and my family are now happy together also Dr Itua has be helpful in my community ever since he cure my Hiv so why I'm leaving  my story on here today is to reach out someone out here to hope on God and never give up no matter the situation you that you are facing especially through this pandemic seasons which has really taught us all on how we should be helpful to each other and cherish one another.Dr Itua cures the following diseases.....  Herpes,Liver cancer,Throat cancerLeukemia.,Alzheimer's disease,Chronic Diarrhea,Copd,Parkinson,Als,Adrenocortical carcinoma  Infectious mononucleosis.
    Intestinal cancer,Uterine cancer,Fibroid,Bladder cancer,Hiv,Esophageal cancer,Gallbladder cancer,Kidney cancer,Hpv,Lung cancer,Melanoma,Mesothelioma,Multiple myeloma,Oral cancer,Sinus cancer,Hepatitis A,B/C,Skin cancer,Soft tissue sarcoma,Spinal cancer,Stomach cancer,Vaginal cancer,Vulvar cancer,
    Testicular cancer,Thyroid Cancer.You can contact Dr Itua Herbal Center on E-Mail:  Or Whats-App Chat : +2348149277967
